- Ayush International Overseas Services shall not use of forced or child labor whether in the form of prison labor , indentured labor, slavery, human trafficking and bonded labor at site.
- All workers/employees shall have the right to enter into and terminate their regular employment freely with reasonable notice, with no penalty.
- Ayush International Overseas Services aims to ensure that working conditions in the workplace and its supply chain are safe, and are treated with respect and dignity and that business operation are socially responsible-Labor, Health and Safety and Business ethics.
- Ayush International Overseas Services shall have a zero-tolerance policy to prohibit any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement (covering promising, offering, giving or accepting any bribes).
- All business and services dealing will be transparently performed and accurately reflected on business books and records.
- Ayush International Overseas Services is committed to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information or documentation of everyone we do business with, including suppliers, customers, employees and foreign recruitment workers.
- Ayush International Overseas Services compliance Nepal and International laws and regulation.
- The hiring and recruiting of the candidates are to be done through free (No Fee Recruitment Policy) and fair competition with no false claim.
- Ayush International Overseas Services shall not indulge in any bribes or other means of gift, livestock, jewelry, bond land titles or improper advantage that shall not be tolerated, offered or accepted